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TBI Lawyers in Tampa Bay

Brain Injuries Caused by Nonfatal Drowning – Who is Liable?

Near drowning incidents are not just scary - they can also cause serious brain damage which is often irreversible. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury - whether by near drowning or other causes - you may have legal rights which must be vigorously defended. Contact an experienced brain injury attorney as soon as possible after…

TBI Attorneys in Tampa Bay

Brain Injuries Can Occur in a Variety of Ways

Of all the human organs which can be injured, the brain is the most susceptible to trauma and can cause the most severe symptoms after an accident. There are many ways in which the brain can be injured. Regardless of the mechanism of injury, a victim of brain trauma has a legal right to be compensated for his or her…

TBI Lawyers in Florida

Even Mild TBIs Can Cause Cognitive Impairments

Traumatic brain injuries, commonly known as TBIs, are usually sustained in motor vehicle, motorcycle, pedestrian, slip-and-fall, boating, and other types of serious accidents. The extent of these injuries can also range from mild to severe, and the length of time it takes for a patient to recover from a traumatic brain injury depends primarily on the severity of the injury…