The University of Alabama at Birmingham is doing some awesome stuff for the brain-injured, including providing numerous activities for cognitive stimulation following a brain injury -- from finger-tapping on a keyboard to games with basic playing cards. Tampa injury lawyers might want to take note. Below is a link to some of the offerings. The Skills Index organizes the of…

Every Brain Injury Is Serious; More Brain Injury Facts From Tampa Injury Lawyer Matt Dolman
Our brain education series continues with more brain injury facts from Tampa injury lawyer Matt Dolman. Myth No. 4 is one of the most critical to dispel. Myth No. 4: A “minor” or “mild” traumatic brain injury is not serious in nature There is no such thing as a non-serious brain injury. The term “mild traumatic brain injury,” does a disservice by…
You should know the signs of a concussion/brain injury. But it's equally important to know how to proceed afterwards. Obviously, getting examined quickly by a doctor in the Tampa Bay area immediately is key. Below are recovery tips from the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center: Things That Improve Healing Maximize downtime/rest during the day Get plenty of sleep at night Protect yourself…
The tragic reports of the recent military-related massacre in Afghanistan have speculated a traumatic brain injury was a major cause. Regardless of what really happened, today's TIME magazine article on traumatic brain injury and the military was a fascinating read. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), co-chairman of the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, has called Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) "the signature…
The great educational series offered by the brain injury lawyers at Dolman Law Group continues today with a look at diagnostic testing. Dolman Law Group serves brain injury and personal injury sufferers from offices in Clearwater, Bradenton and Melbourne. Myth No. 3: A negative PET-scan, MRI or other similar diagnostic test illustrates no existence of a brain injury. The overall lack of…
Any baseball fan has seen a catcher take a foul ball off his mask hundreds of times. For Tampa Bay Rays fans, a recent episode had a serious result. Aspiring catcher Robinson Chirinos was sidelined with a concussion and it likely will knock him out of Spring Training and kill his chances of making the team for the start of the regular…
Here's another brain injury myth from Dolman Law Group, part of our Tampa Bay brain injury education series. Click here if you missed the first one. Myth #2: The victim must strike his/her head to sustain a TBI It is imperative you note that the brain has the consistency of Jell-O. In a rapid acceleration/deceleration mechanism injury, the brain often continues…
The potential dangers of football to the brain have been well documented, but a government settlement to a former high school football player might change how brain injuries and the sport are viewed across the country. A 22-year-old in California recently was awarded a $4 million settlement from a public school district near San Diego, per Reuters. The agreement comes as the…
In a new series from the Clearwater automobile accident attorneys at Dolman Law Group, we'll examine common miconceptions about brain damage and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Myth No. 1: A victim must lose consciousness to suffer a TBI. In my Pinellas County plaintiff personal injury practice, I often combat this commonly utilized defense by the insurance carriers. This is absolutely bunk science that…
Some exciting stuff out of USA Today this past weekend. A new MRI can look at the health of fibers deep in the brain. "You can have a patient with severe swelling who goes on to have a normal recovery, and patients with severe swelling who go on to die," says Dr. David Okonkwo, a University of Pittsburgh Medical Center neurosurgeon…