Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, are typically sustained in motor vehicle, motorcycle, or other serious accidents. A patient’s recovery time after a TBI greatly depends upon the severity of the injury or injuries involved. The recovery time period can range anywhere from 6 months to 2 years following the date of the injury. If you or someone you love has…
Brain-injury related comas and other serious complications cause everyone involved severe emotional distress. Comas1 and other losses of consciousness are typically the results of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) sustained in serious accidents. The costs of traumatic brain injuries in the United States come to approximately $76.5 billion on an annual basis.2 Included in that amount is the cost of hospitalization,…
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) may seem relatively straightforward - after all, it is an injury to the brain caused by trauma. However, a TBI is a highly complex injury that has many different types, degrees of severity, causes, and effects on victims. No two brain injuries are exactly alike and identifying the location of the injury on the brain,…
The brain is the body's most complex organ, and when it is injured, the effects can be significant. No two brain injuries are alike, and the type of injury, the force associated with the injury, and the individual's health history and resiliency can play a major role in the extent of injury and recovery. The following considers the primary types…
Brain injuries can happen on the job or anywhere and they are one of the most serious types of injuries that you can suffer. Brain injuries can also be difficult to definitively diagnose and the course and extent of the recovery process is often uncertain for a period of time. The most common signs of brain injury include altered behavior,…
Soccer is largely considered to be a no-contact sport and many parents are drawn to that fact when they encourage or allow their children to play. Increasingly, however, soccer studies are giving parents of soccer players bad news: playing soccer can do serious brain damage to young players. The worse news is that such brain damage can often affect children…
After the pain has stopped and after medical treatment has ended for a traumatic brain injury (TBI), some people find that they still cannot successfully return to the life they once had. One of the more lasting effects of a TBI is that a victim may not be able work at the same job or even work at all. TBI…
Although most concussions and other mild traumatic brain injuries completely resolve themselves relatively quickly, the effects of multiple concussions can be significant and can lead to long-term cognitive and physical deficiencies. The long-term effects of concussions - like brain injuries of all kinds - do not always follow a predictable course. Nonetheless, multiple concussions have long been thought to contribute…
Traumatic brain injuries,1 or TBIs, are brain injuries caused by trauma (either internally or externally) to the victim’s head. The trauma associated with closed-head TBIs causes the brain to move around inside the head and make direct contact with the front and/or the back of the victim’s skull. This movement causes damage to the brain’s neurons and axons (i.e. the…
Construction sites are dangerous places for both workers and for passersby. However, it is necessary to have construction sites to build structures and improve roads and buildings. Injuries do happen at these sites and one of the most common injuries is a traumatic brain injury, commonly known as a TBI. What is a TBI? A TBI occurs when tissue in…